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Doolittle Raiders Links

This is not your all-out www.google.com search of the web. These are just some of the links that I have found to be more interesting and helpful. If you have time, use Google and you can find a lot more than I have listed here.

First off should of course be their official website - www.doolittletokyoraiders.com

Reunion Links:

2005 Reunion

New! http://www.doolittleraiders.com

- The next reunion's website

New! http://jimsladesairlines.com/headlinenews.html

- A report by C.V. Glines

2004 Reunion


- Some pictures from the 2004 Reunion.


- A report on the 2004 Reunion in Tuscon, AZ


- Supposedly some pictures coming...

2003 Reunion


- Story on Mr. DeShazer at the 61st anniversary reunion.


- A view from the Nut Tree airport where some of the events were held.


- From the Travis Air Museum

2002 Reunion

The Doolittle Raiders Reunion 2002 The official 60th anniversary reunion website. The reunion was well attended and was incredible.

Other Past Reunions

59th Raiders Reunion

More Raiders links:


- This website is owned by Todd Joyce. He is the son of Lt. Col. Richard O. Joyce the pilot of Plane #10, 40-2250.

Articles at TheState.com

- Some really good articles. Part of the 60th anniversary commemoration in Columbia, SC.

Actual photos of the Raid

- This is probably my favorite site on the Raiders. The Navy's archives. They have a great site.

Navy Archives on the Doolittle Raid

- Great site!

Raiders Data

- Here is a page that has a very short summary on each crew.

17th Bomb Group

- Most of the Doolittle Raiders were either from this Bomb Group, or with the 89th Reconnaisance Squadron which operated along side them.

AF Museum on Doolittle Raid

 Link on one of the Doolittle Raiders

- This link is about Jacob DeShazer- one of the men the Japanese captured.

US Navy's Lighter Than Air section (Blimps)

- About blimps and airships in the US Navy. Interesting article about the L-8 (used to deliver parts for the Doolittle Raiders) can be downloaded from here.


- New Picture of "Ski" York's B-25 after landing in Russia

Doolittle Raid summary

- From Military.com


- Link from The State on Jimmy Doolittle

The eight crewmembers that were captured

Raiders Artwork Here

The BLI website 

- The DeShazer/ Fuchida story

- The official record of the Army Air Force in World War Two. I am blessed in that I own a hard copy of all seven volumes I can look at at home.

Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo
The Halsey-Doolittle Raid

- Specific section of the above link that deals with the raid

Webmasters Suggested Links
(Not Raider related or endorsed)


- An online version of God's gift to us.


- Japanese Aircraft of World War II


- All kinds of information on Japanese aircraft of the Second World War. Great message board.


- About Pearl Harbor. Great information and excellent historians.


- About a friend of mine who flew P-51s in Europe. Read the article about his final mission.


- About a unique form of modeling - you won't believe what can be made out of paper.


- The P-51 Mustang and the Ford vehicle


- Planes and Pilots of World War Two


- An interesting looking magazine  


All images and text are © 2004-2007 by the webmaster. All rights reserved. All opinions expressed are the webmasters own and do not reflect the endorsement or rejection of the Doolittle Raiders. If you are interested in using information on any of these pages please email the webmaster first. Some of the content I have here is from personal interviews and research. Some of it is from the public record and is available to others through books, documents, and libraries. If you have questions, comments, or concerns please contact the webmaster at doolittleraiders@gmail.com.
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